Liguria  country  house
The price of the house together with its patio terrace and the garden is €99,000. Please note that this price is substantially lower than construction costs at today’s market rates.

The storage shed along with the covered parking spot is sold separately from the house and is priced at €10,000.

The land is sold separately from the house and from the storage shed.

The house has very low ongoing operating costs. Property taxes are approximately €250 per year if this is your first property in Italy, if you have other property in Italy, the house would no longer qualify for a “first home” discount and property taxes would climb to approximately €1,000 per year. Garbage collection service is approximately €200 per year. Recurring ownership costs for this house are very small.

The house, the storage shed, and the land, are all properly surveyed and recorded at the Neirone City Hall. All documentation is in good order and there are no outstanding disputes for permits of any kind. This is a no-hassles house that is in good standing with the municipality and property taxes.